The Fran Spiegel Right To Know Act
Creating 100% Transparency in the Medical Field
By: Mel Spiegel
These are the last three emails I have sent to the Florida Department of Health. My daughter and I were advised two years ago the DOH should be informed of the deliberate medical murder of Fran Spiegel. After close to two years of supplying the DOH with unimpeachable proof of the collusion of four doctors, we still have never heard one response from them concerning their investigations as is their sworn duty.
Meanwhile they have completely cleared the two main doctors, Bassam Sayegh and Henry Shapiro, who were instrumental in the lying and covering up which led to Fran Spiegel’s deliberate, unnecessary, painful and very premature death.
After I have written numerous letters demanding an explanation to their continued silence, they have changed investigators once again with no explanation which seems to be the signal I will soon get another white washing of the final two criminal doctors, Edit Tolnai and Gabriella Bonomo. They both were culpable in the cover up and deliberate withholding of proper treatment for Fran Spiegel. My proof of everything is incontestable.
I am posting my final three emails as an example of what the Florida DOH is ignoring. I have scores more from the Florida DOH. It is all going to be posted at the proper venues, over and over, as long as it takes to right this horrible wrong.
After you read just this snippet of information, ask yourselves how an agency supposed to protect the victims of medical malpractice can read the same articles for two years and never give one single word in response.
Hint-the key word is MONEY.
March 7, 2015
Re: 2014-01195 Edit Tolnai
Re: 2014-01197 Gabriella Bonomo
Prosecution Services Unit
Office of the General Counsel & The Florida Department of Health
This latest precursor to another Florida DOH whitewash comes as no surprise. I wish I could say otherwise but the rampant hypocrisy and complete lack of any attempt to find the truth by the Florida DOH’s limited witch hunts could not be more obvious. I also detest and condemn investigator Fruth’s (my latest emails attached) complete lack of integrity or dignity. Not once did he respond to my very important, apropos and accurate claims of total inaction by everyone associated with my accounts of extreme medical malpractice and cover up.
That being said, once again I make the very indisputable claim that anything you find, if you actually look for anything, that differs from my accounts is an absolute lie as I have been 100% honest and accurate. If you do not agree with my assessments why don’t you break precedent and contact me to find out how I have come to my conclusions. This would be a first in the four related cases that prove my wife was medically murdered. Two of the doctors have already been criminally whitewashed and cleared without the slightest attempt to contact me in order to find the truth. Also, how can you possibly find any wrong doing with Tolnai and Bonomo when Sayegh and Shapiro have been criminally and fraudulently whitewashed by the Florida DOH? There is little doubt your agency already reeks of corruption concerning my charges. The proof is incontestable. Why not break the mold and honestly seek the truth. Then we could still give the proper punishment that all four doctors deserve. You might help to save future lives and very importantly bring some honesty and integrity to a very corrupt Florida DOH.
I am convinced there can be no doubt my calls for justice are falling on bought and paid for deaf ears. The total futility I feel after presenting an almost flawless case of extreme medical malpractice and continuing cover up is indescribable. For over a year I have been inundated with the most extreme lack of any semblance of truth or responsibility by the Florida DOH. That applies to the very top echelons and down through the ranks.
This would seem constitutionally inconceivable to any rational thinking person until you start investigating the blood money trail. Just follow the money and all questions will be answered. It is time to stop the unnecessary and deliberate medical murders for obscene profit and stand up for the truth. Millions of lives will be saved.
When I do get the final criminal whitewashing of Tolnai and Bonomo, which I’m certain is inevitable, I’m sure the Florida DOH will feel they are finished with me. I can assure you I will not be finished with you and will continue exposing the corruption that has infiltrated the Florida Department of Health.
Mel Spiegel
February 8, 2015
Re: 2014-01195 Edit Tolnai
Re: 2014-01197 Gabriella Bonomo
Mr. Fruth,
I know my email was harsh, but that does not mean you should not honestly do your job. From past dealings with the corruption in the Florida DOH, I was hoping I might expect more from you if I informed you just how corrupt they have become. Your reluctance to answer and assure me I will get more honesty from you, is just another sign that dishonesty has become the trademark of the Florida DOH.
I can only hope to be proven wrong, but in view of the silent treatment I have received from the miscreants who whitewashed Sayegh and Shapiro, it just looks like more of the same: a bogus investigation, a white-wash and then silence.
Be assured every facet of the social media and beyond that I can reach will be apprised of the corruption in the DOH word for word; every document, every email and every name I have received excusing the absolute proven beyond any doubt, medical murder of my wife, Fran Spiegel.
There is overwhelming proof the doctors and hospital are guilty of a medical murder and cover-up. Do your job honestly with integrity and without fear and you just might emerge a hero.
Mel Spiegel
February 12, 2015
Re: 2014-01195 Edit Tolnai
Re: 2014-01197 Gabriella Bonomo
Mr. Fruth,
If and when you question the accused doctors and get their denials of medical malpractice, despite the overwhelming proof I have submitted, am I going to be properly contacted so I can prove very easily they are lying? Past and present actions of silence by the DOH make this extremely important part of any honest investigation, highly unlikely. I have repeated too many times I will not tolerate this continuous deliberate dereliction of duty.
The four doctors I have accused, medically murdered my wife, Fran Spiegel. There is no doubt it was deliberate and well thought out to protect very guilty people. The excuses I have been bombarded with are criminal and I am determined to treat those involved as criminals. Both nurses and doctors alike, who were present when my wife’s medical malpractice was running rampant, alluded to the fact of very suspect treatment by all of the accused. One doctor advised me to file charges. A proper investigation would very easily uncover these claims, but then these medical disgraces would have to be punished and that might prove costly: profit above life at all costs. The shame and exposure all of you should face cannot be ignored and I will do all I can to make it happen.
How you can make any honest decision defies logic when Sayegh and Shapiro have both, fraudulently and criminally, been found faultless despite a mountain of evidence proving their guilt. How can you do a proper investigation when everything pertaining to the cases has been so obviously corrupted by DOH pawns?
If I am wrong about you I will apologize properly, but that will be very difficult to do, when I have found it next to impossible to get an update, a statement or any kind of substantive response from anyone at the Florida DOH. It is very clear that over the years the Florida DOH has lost its way due to fear and money. Corrupt forces have them turning their backs on the very people they were created to protect.
My daughter and I witnessed and heard much of the medical malfeasance we have reported. The rest is so easily provable. The deliberate and unnecessary pain and suffering we witnessed that Fran Spiegel was forced to endure in such a brief period of time will not and should not ever be forgotten.
I have already started to post on the internet and other channels a chronology of Fran Spiegel’s deliberate medical murder and cover-up by the hospital, the doctors, the lawyers and now the Florida DOH. Every pertinent fact and name will be posted with extreme honesty and clarity. I hope to see everyone, from the top of government to the hacks who contributed to this medical farce for profit over lives, face severe and appropriate punishments for their crimes. A wonderful life was stolen very prematurely just to help keep a cadre of unscrupulous money grubbers in business. This practice must and will end. My wife should still be by my side for many years to come and I will continue to relentlessly fight for the justice she and so many other hundreds of thousands deserve.
Mel Spiegel
©2015 by The Fran Spiegel "Right To Know" Act